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La Lanta Fine Art

Bangkok, Thailand 

4 - 22 August 2018

Solo Exhibition 

"I appreciate the nature around us, because we believe it heals our mental state, thus freeing ourselves for a moment from the many problems in our life.

I can experience nature’s systematic movements, and link ourselves to the rhythm of our surroundings, immersing ourselves in the complexity of the seeming disorder. In that moment time is slowed down, and no longer determined by the clock. I can take that time to also consider the cycle of life as I feel it in our soul, seeing that it in some ways conforms to the uncertainty of life.  At this moment, I feel free. I see the movement, colors, mysteries, shapes and forms, both small in nature, was inspired to do my arts."

The concept behind Chaisansuk’s practice is the inspiration and enjoyment of searching for and experiencing new techniques using water colours.  She believes that humans can control emotions by surrounding themselves with nature. She tries to express the complexity, freedom and mystery that she finds in the beauty of nature.  Her works all consist of a variety of bright colours, ranging from pinks, to yellow and grey. When first looking at the paintings the viewer can see what looks like an explosion of colour, stretching across the canvas like a smoke cloud. The colours flow and bubble up together, creating a rainbow effect. When looking closely at the patterns the viewer can notice that there are signs of nature throughout the painting. In some areas the colours form flower shapes, in others the shapes of flowing water emerge. The combination of water and acrylic that the artist uses is what enables this nature-like, flowing colour effect, and as intended by Chaisansuk, brings smiles and the feeling of being among nature in a semi-abstract style.


Works are available in La Lanta Fine Art  please see the link

Supmanee Chaisansuk | SupmaneeC | Painting |Art Gallery | Art and Nature | Artist | Abstract | Paintings 

© Supmanee C.2019

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